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Action Comics 7 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Action Comics 17 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Action Comics 484 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Action Comics 500 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Atom 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 4 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 16 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 20 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 47 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 101 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 121 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 155 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 171 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 181 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 232 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 234 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 238 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 251 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 255 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 357 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 366 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 368 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 426 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 428 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman Annual 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
BATMAN Annual #1
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Brave and the Bold 28 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Brave and the Bold 34 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 27 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 38 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 140 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 225 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 233 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 327 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 359 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 387 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 400 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Flash Comics 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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FLASH #105
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FLASH #110
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FLASH #112
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FLASH #113
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FLASH #117
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FLASH #123
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FLASH #127
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FLASH #129
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FLASH #135
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FLASH #137
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FLASH #175
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Green Lantern 1 - 1941 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 7 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 13 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 16 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 40 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 59 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 76 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 85 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 86 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 87 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 90 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 100 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 110 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Hawkman 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 4 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 9 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 14 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #14 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 21 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #21 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 22 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #22 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 31 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #31 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 56 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #56 for sale - mycomicshop

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Showcase 4 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Showcase 22 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Showcase 34 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 3 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 24 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 30 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 53 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 76 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 100 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 199 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 233 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 242 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 245 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 252 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 254 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 263 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 269 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 276 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 300 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 317 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman Annual 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
SUPERMAN Annual #1
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Whiz Comics 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Here on this page I have provided a summary on live-action films that have been made based on Marvel Comic Book characters.  These are films that were released in theaters or went straight to DVD and or online streaming.

I do have a page on my site focused on Marvel animated films that you can visit by clicking here.

Since Marvel movies have dominated theaters everywhere since 2000, most think that there have been Marvel movies that were produced further back than that.  That’s not the case.

When you look at the first Marvel movies to hit theaters it was in the form of movie serials that ran in less time than most drama shows on TV today.

Captain America Serials (1940s)

Captain America serials were featured in the 1940s with Cap battling thugs of the day.  He never fought any of the Nazis during World War II in any of these shows.  Each episode would always end in a cliffhanger putting Cap or one of the good guys in dire straits with the next installment found the following week showing how they escaped.  You would have to come back to theaters and purchase a new ticket to find out what happened.  It was great for the studios as it meant continued ticket sales.

I recalled watching a lot of these serials on syndicated television many, many years later.  I always liked them, but compared to movies of today they were low budget and low quality in production, visuals, sound and effects.  The editing of the cliffhanger to the next episode did not always run well together.  Cap was in a speeding car about to fall off a cliff in one episode and the next episode showed you how he escaped, but the scenes didn’t always blend in well together if you ran the episodes back to back.

This was essentially the first Marvel movies to hit theaters, but no other character would be produced in a feature film until 40 years later.  The Captain America serials are available for purchase on DVD and you may also find them on VHS. 

Captain America Serials - DVD

Conan the Barbarian (1982)

The first full-length Marvel feature film would focus on a character not originally created by Marvel, but adapted by Marvel from novels made famous by writer Robert E. Howard.

Conan the Barbarian made its debut in 1982.  This is the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the lead role making him an international film star.

With brute strength, sword and sorcery, an assortment of weird characters and creatures and a couple of key one-liners that Arnold would build his acting persona on, the film became an international success. 

Conan's village and parents are slain by the evil Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) and his band of thugs and is taken along with many other young boys and enslaved.  They are trained to become fighters to serve Doom in their grown-up years, but Conan has other ideas and escapes and meets up with a wizard and two other mercenaries who become allies.  They as a combined group will take on Doom and his men in a battle to the death.

The action and fighting were great back in the day and still hold up today.  It not only led off as Marvel's first major film, but stands out as one of their better film properties to date.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray, but is tough to find on its own.  It seems to be in a set with the next film in Blu-Ray. 

Conan The Complete Quest - Blu-Ray DVD

Conan the Destroyer / Red Sonja (1985)

The sequel to Conan the Barbarian came in 1984 with Conan the Destroyer and a spin-off from the Robert E. Howard novels and Marvel Comics characters in the Conan mythology came in 1985 in the form of Red Sonja.

Schwarzenegger would reprise his role in the 1984 sequel and made a guest appearance as another character in the 1985 Red Sonja film starring Brigitte Nielsen.  Sandahl Bergman would appear as the villainess in the film in stark contrast to her role as Valeria (Conan's love interest and ally) in Conan the Barbarian

Each film has its own charm and appeal and are good companion films to its predecessor and worth acquiring for your collections.  They both have slick effects, good fighting sequences and feature fantastic visual worlds.  Both films are available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

   Conan Destroyer - Blu-Ray DVD   Red Sonja - Blu-Ray DVD

Howard the Duck (1986)

George Lucas produced Howard the Duck in 1986 about a duck from another galaxy getting zapped and transported to earth and then meandering his way amongst our population and becoming a mascot for an all-girls band and duking it out with a gigantic creature in the finale.  The film bombed at the box office in the US, but more than made up for it in the international market.  You can find the film on DVD, Blu-Ray DVD and VHS. 

Howard the Duck - Blu-Ray DVD

Punisher (1989)

The next Marvel movie was the Punisher in 1989 starring Dolph Lundgren in the title role.  Dolph famous for being the opponent in one of the Rocky movies against Sylvester Stallone dyed his hair black and brought his muscle to the role. 

Most fans found his portrayal to be not exactly the Punisher they saw in the comics.  There wasn’t any one thing that fans hinged on, but it didn’t grab fans and didn’t fair well in ticket sales.  I’ve seen bits and pieces over the years in syndication and I don’t necessarily hate the film, but the film didn’t bowl me over either. 

Generally when films don’t have a large budget, the production quality shows and the attention to detail is lacking.  The script is rushed and then you have a final product that you start to see a lot of holes in.  It is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and possibly VHS. 

Punisher - 1989 - Blu-Ray DVD

Captain America the Movie (1990)

I recall sitting in movie theaters seeing a teaser trailer with the famous red, white and blue shield streaking across the screen indicating that Captain America was due in theaters the following year.  Unfortunately or fortunately it never came and only appeared overseas and that was a very limited time. 

In 1990 Matt Salinger son of famous writer J.D. Salinger who wrote Catcher in the Rye among others starred as Captain America/Steve Rogers in Captain America the Movie battling the Red Skull in Nazis Germany in the 1940s during World War II.  The film told the origin of both and showed Cap getting frozen to be unfrozen decades later almost exactly like the comics sans the Avengers discovering and doing the unfreezing. 

The film was even more low budget than the Punisher and it almost felt the same as the serials from the 40s although there were some well known veteran actors in the film like Ronny Cox (Beverly Hills Cop), Ned Beatty (Superman movies), Darren McGavin (Nighstalker).  They didn’t save the movie from harsh reviews and fan disappointment. 

The film however as noted does capture some of the essence of Captain America from the comics and if you can look past some of the lesser production qualities, it is worth watching.  It was originally difficult to find for purchase, but in recent years a re-mastered version became available and you can acquire it on DVD. 

Captain America - 1990 Movie - Blu-Ray DVD

Fantastic Four (1994)

Another fan favorite also got movie treatment in very much the same fashion.

The Fantastic Four movie was produced for release in 1994, however due to a low budget and other issues the film never made its way to theaters.  I often see the film for sale at comic book conventions, online on Ebay, but these are the only versions available as Marvel I understand has some spent time trying to have every copy destroyed.  The only item that I can find now is a documentary on the film. 

Fantastic Four - Video

Blade (1998)

One of Marvel’s cult favorites from the Tomb of Dracula comic books made his movie debut in 1998 with Blade.  Wesley Snipes in the starring role as a vampire slayer of sorts battling the nocturnal creatures in ninja-like fashion.  The film has had good success with two sequels and a possibility for an additional film.  If you like action fighting with a mixture of horror and scary figures, then Blade may be your thing.  The movie is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Blade - 1998 - Blu-Ray DVD

X-Men (2000)

I think most fans recall for a long-time asking for an X-Men film and couldn’t understand why it hadn’t been produced.  The X-Men up to that time was the most popular comic book of all-time.  It had spawned into several best-selling titles and fans were clamoring to see a live-action, big budget film.

Some blamed the nightmares of special effects limitations in properly portraying the characters as one of the reasons for the delay.  How were they going to do Wolverine’s claws.  How were they going to do Cyclops laser eyes.  How were they going to simulate Jean Grey/Phoenix and Storm’s powers and so on.

When X-Men debuted in 2000 starring Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman (an unknown at the time), Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and others, this film paved the way for superhero/comic book films to the big screen like no others before.

There have been other superhero films prior to, but the Batman films of the 1990s for example only led to more Batman films as did the Superman films of the 1970s/1980s.  X-Men began the surge of superhero/comic book films that continue to present day.

The film introduced audiences to most of the major X-Men team members (Cyclops-James Marsden, Wolverine-Jackman, Professor X-Stewart, Storm-Berry, Rogue-Anna Pacquin, Jean Grey-Famke Janssen) as well as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants led by Magneto-Ian McKellen. 

With state of the art effects, costumes, sets, the film was a major success domestically and internationally and did incredibly well in DVD sales too.  Every year after this film came out, there was a major superhero/comic book movie coming out and most would have to credit this film as the trailblazer.

There are a couple of versions of the film with additional scenes added and behind the scenes documentaries that are available in different sets on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

X-Men - 2000 - Blu-Ray DVD

Blade II (2002)

The follow up to the original Blade came in 2002 with Blade II.  Wesley Snipes reprising his role as the vampire slayer.  This time Blade is in Europe taking on a slew of new vampires with main villain Ron Perlman as the chief antagonist.  The vampires in this grouping are called the Reaper who pray on vampires in addition to humans and Blade is called upon to assist the true vampires in defeating this new group.  In typical sword slashing fashion the film continues to bring the high quality fighting that the first film displayed with big budget effects.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Blade 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Spider-Man (2002)

The major epic of Marvel’s most recognized superhero finally made his motion picture debut in 2002 with Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Willem Dafoe, Cliff Roberston and Rosemary Harris. 

The film sent shockwaves throughout the comic book world and the movie going public.  It quickly became one of the all-time box office draws ever.  The film shows us the origin of how young Peter Parker-Tobey Maguire becomes bitten by a radio-active spider while on a field trip and slowly transforming him into a human spider. 

His first public demonstration of his powers is almost exactly as described in the comics with Parker needing to earn money and challenging a wrestler to stay in the ring long enough to earn the grand prize.  While leaving the contest, a thief is allowed to run past Parker with the police in hot pursuit and ultimately it is this thug that contributes to Parker becoming the amazing Spider-Man as he was responsible for killing Parker's Uncle Ben played by Cliff Robertson.

Spider-Man’s greatest super-villain the Green Goblin-Willem Dafoe is introduced in the film and the two tangle on more than a few occasions with the finale leaving an open-ended triangle between Parker, his would-be girlfriend Mary Jane Watson-Kirsten Dunst and Harry Osborn (son of the Green Goblin)-James Franco.  The film has been offered in multiple sets that you can find available on DVD and Blu-Ray as part of a set. 

Spider-Man - Blu-Ray DVD

Daredevil (2003)

The man without fear made his motion picture debut in 2003.  Daredevil starring Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell was one of those films that due to its release date in early February may have missed out on the summer box office opportunities. 

The film shows Matt Murdock as a young attorney protecting those who cannot defend themselves due to a lack of resources and as Daredevil at night protecting those who cannot defend themselves against the corrupt underworld controlled by the Kingpin played by Clarke Duncan.

Bullseye is hired to takeout Daredevil.  Elektra also known as Elektra Natchios-Daredevil’s and Matt Murdock’s love interest respectively is out to get both Bullesye and Kingpin for murdering her father. 

The two heroes are setup in a way that Elektra thinks Daredevil is involved with the murder with her getting blind-sided by Bullseye during her search for DD.  Daredevil is now out to avenge Elektra and take down the Kingpin once and for all.

If you get passed the leather suit which is not really bad but some folks have complained, the film has some great fighting scenes and does tell Daredevil’s origin and essentially Elektra’s too.  It’s a good film that is worth purchasing and owning in your collection.  There are a couple of versions of the film available which has additional scenes and behind the scenes documentaries and even a director's cut.  They are available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Daredevil - 2003 - Blu-Ray DVD

X2: X-Men Unlimited (2003)

X2: X-Men United in 2003 was the sequel to the first X-Men movie and was an even better film than the original.  Colonel Stryker-Brian Cox is introduced demonstrating his hell-bent way of getting revenge on mutants as he feel in some way they are responsible for what had happened to his son many years ago. 

We get to see glimpses into the creation of Weapon X also known as Wolverine-Hugh Jackman and how he gained his adamantium skeleton.  Colossus, Nightcrawler, Lady Deathstrike, Pyro and other well-known mutants are introduced in the film with a climatic ending with Jean Grey/Phoenix-Famke Janssen and Wolverine's fates hanging in the balance with both somewhat being drawn together spiritually. 

The film is offered in a couple of different sets on DVD and Blu-Ray with a couple having additional scenes and behind the scenes documentaries. 

X-Men 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Hulk (2003)

The green goliath had his major motion picture debut in 2003 with the Hulk starring Eric Bana as Bruce Banner.  The Hulk is created as a CGI character in order to duplicate the size and strength and abilities that the comic book Hulk possesses. 

The origin of the Hulk is told in the film with his father played by Nick Nolte as a central figure.  Jennifer Connelly plays Betty Ross who tries to help Bruce and the Hulk.  Her father played by Sam Elliott is trying to take down the beast as he sees the Hulk as a major threat to the population.

Ang Lee of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon directing fame is tabbed as the director of this film and creates multiple moments in the film with comic book panel action scenes that run simultaneously onscreen.  It’s a little distracting as most have never seen a film shown this way, but after a couple of viewings you get used to it and it actually has a nice touch. 

The film is available in a couple of different versions on DVD and Blu-Ray with one version containing behind the scenes documentaries and more. 

Hulk - 2003 - Blu-Ray DVD

The Punisher (2004)

Tom Jane is cast as The Punisher in 2004 as a retired FBI agent who suddenly has his whole family wiped out by a businessman played by John Travolta whose son was killed during a sting operation that was conducted by Frank Castle and his team.  Frank would later become the Punisher and as in the comics takes out his revenge on all who were responsible. 

This version of the Punisher I haven’t watched enough of, but I'm sure it has a following.  There are a couple of versions available-regular and extended cut.  Both are available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Punisher - 2004 - Blu-Ray DVD

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

The sequel to the first blockbuster Spider-Man came in 2004 with Spider-Man 2.  Most of the main players returned with Spidey now taking on Doctor Octopus. 

Most feel this film was better than the first as it expanded on the characters from the original with even more high impact action.  Dr. Otto Octavius played by Alfred Molina has developed an energy source that could revolutionize the world.  Unfortunately one of his inventions to harness this power takes over him mentally and he begins to turn to crime becoming Doctor Octopus.

Spidey and Doc Ock battle in the streets, on high rise buildings and on a high trestle train all the while as Peter Parker continues to juggle his life as Spidey and his relationship with Mary Jane Watson.  Harry Osborn fueled with getting revenge on Spider-Man for having killed his father in the first film is right in the middle of all of the action.

You will most certainly want to own a copy of this film and will not be disappointed.  The movie is available in a couple of versions with behind the scenes documentaries and such on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Spider-Man 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Blade: Trinity (2004)

The Blade trilogy comes to an end with Blade: Trinity in 2004 with Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds joining the cast and teaming up with Wesley Snipes to take on a growing breed of vampires led by Dracula now resurrected. 

The film continues to bring the sword-slashing action that the previous two films contained, but the story and acting tends to fade in this movie.  I’m sure Blade fans loved this film and the unrated version that is more like a director’s cut.  Both versions are available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Blade Trinity - Blu-Ray DVD

Elektra (2005)

Jennifer Garner was able to return as the character Elektra in the title role in Elektra in 2005.  It centers around Elektra as a hired assassin who decides not to kill a single father and her daughter at the request of a crime syndicate and in turn decides to protect them from the bad guys. 

The Hand is a powerful crime syndicate who utilizes the dark martial art of ninjitsu in their fighting style and search and hunt down the three.  The film has similar action scenes as was displayed in the previous Daredevil film that Elektra was featured in. 

The fantasy like powers of the Hand is something that seems a bit out of continuity from the Daredevil mythology, but Garner has a way of dealing with them in her own right. 
The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Elektra - Blu-Ray DVD

Fantastic Four (2005)

The worlds’s greatest comic magazine finally got its first true live action, big budget, blockbluster in 2005 with the Fantastic Four movie starring Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis. 

The team’s origin is told with a few changes as Doctor Doom played by Julian McMahon is partly responsible for funding the team’s venture and is also on the same ship when all are affected by cosmic radiation.  The film shows the members slowly adjusting to their new changes and new powers and coming together as a superhero team.  It also shows how Doom is slowly becoming metallic all over and slowly growing evil. 

The final battle is a showdown with the FF taking on Doom in the middle of New York.  The film has received a mixture of reviews, but I enjoyed the film and I think most will too.  It has good action, good effects and good humor.  The film is available in a couple of versions with one having extended cuts.  They can be found on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Fantastic Four - 2005 - Blu-Ray DVD

Man-Thing (2005)

From the pages of Savage Tales, Fear and his own titles, Man-Thing made his debut in movies.  Unfortunately it went straight to DVD in 2005.  The legendary creature whose power is searing heat from its touch focuses on an oil-digging magnate who digs in a sacred area of land in the swamp resulting in mysteriously damaged equipment, various murders and other mayhem.  A sheriff along with a school teacher search for the cause and ultimately faces the creature. 

The film has been panned by most who have spent time placing a review online or in forums.  The film is not too expensive and can be found on DVD. 

Man-Thing - DVD

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

The finale in the original X-Men trilogy came in 2006 with X-Men: The Last Stand.  Magneto-Ian McKellen is recruiting a massive new army of mutants for his cause against humanity.  Jean Grey/Phoenix-Famke Janssen is under his control to exact her powers on those who oppose mutants. 

The X-Men are more of a skeleton crew now with some members having been taken out.  Professor X-Patrick Stewart, Wolverine-Hugh Jackman, Storm-Halle Berry and Kelsey Grammer as the Beast along with newcomers Colossus, Iceman, Kitty Pryde battle Magneto's new army.  Cyclops-James Marsden was taken out early in the film by the Phoenix thus extinguishing one of the long-time X-Men members.

It is probably the weakest of the three films, but is certainly an entertaining film with so many plots and twists.  There are so many new characters introduced in this film and trying to keep up with all of their powers was a bit confusing, but generally the film has some great moments.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

X-Men 3 - Last Stand - Blu-Ray DVD

Ghost Rider (2007)

Nicholas Cage got to portray a superhero for the first time in 2007 with Ghost Rider.  He had been a comic book fan all of his life and the Spirit of Vengeance was a perfect way to live out a childhood dream.  Eva Mendez appears in the film as his girlfriend.

Johnny Blaze-Cage has a dying father and makes a deal with Mephistopheles-Peter Fonda in order to save his father by giving his soul, but is deceived and his father perishes in a motorcycle stunt.  Johnny returns later and is offered a second proposal from Mephistopheles to defeat his evil son Blackheart-Wes Bentley, but has to become the Ghost Rider first.  Johnny accepts and does battle with Blackheart.

The CGI effects are very good in the film, but the story is a little shaky.  Ghost Rider fans will still want to have a copy of the film for their collection.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Ghost Rider - 2007 - Blu-Ray DVD

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

The final film of the original Spider-Man films under Sam Raimi’s direction came in 2007 with
Spider-Man 3
.  The film continues with Peter Parker battling the avenging son-Harry Osborn who now dons the New Goblin costume in order to redeem his father's death at the hands of Spider-Man from the first film.  Mary Jane Watson struggles with her career and her relationship with Parker is deteriorating and she turns to Harry Osborn for comfort.

The Sandman-Thomas Haden Church is introduced in the film and is on the run pursued by the authorities.  An alien symbiote has landed on earth and gravitates to Parker and his costume and his mental state change to black literally.  Parker struggles to get himself out of this dark hole and to earn back his relationship with Mary Jane, but before that has to subdue his friend Harry Osborn leaving him dishevel and pummeling the Sandman to waste.

A new love interest for Parker in the form of Gwen Stacy-Bryce Howard is brought in the story.  She was the first true girlfriend to Parker in the comics.  Eddie Brock-Topher Grace is also introduced in the movie and has the hots for Stacy, but with Parker's new darker side wins over Stacy and in the process humiliates Brock by exposing his photo scams.  

Now Brock is doubly mad at Parker with the symbiote eventually attaching itself to Brock and turning him into Venom.  Venom teams up with the Sandman and holds Mary Jane hostage while they prepare to exact some payback on Parker. 

It was the weaker of the three Spider-Man films, but did retain some of the magic that the previous two had.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Spider-Man 3 - Blu-Ray DVD

Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)

Continuing the further adventures of the FF on the big screen came in the form of Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer in 2007. 

The story starts with Sue Storm about to marry Reed Richards while unbeknownst to the world is being prepared for its eventual consumption by the engulfing Galactus.  The Silver Surfer-Galactus’ herald is sent to earth for preparation and the FF stand in his way.  They momentarily divert the Surfer, but Doctor Doom having returned is able to commandeer the Surfer’s board and with it taking his powers.  The now transformed Human Torch with all of the FF’s combined powers at his disposal is the only hope in stopping Doom now. 

The movie doesn’t show the monolithic Galactus from the comics, but rather some sort of worm hole entity that travels through space and descends upon the planet about to suck the earth in.  The Surfer takes a leap of faith in the earth’s favor and merges into the deep void that is Galactus.

Although some fans have commented on the film somewhat negatively, I walked away from it positively.  I do believe there are parts that could’ve been stronger and better, but it’s not enough that made me not like the film.  You can find a couple of versions of the film on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer - Blu-Ray DVD

Iron Man (2008)

The golden Avenger made his screen debut in 2008 with Iron Man starring the comeback story of the year-Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Gweneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard.

The story takes us to the middle-east initially with billionaire Tony Stark traveling with US Marines on the front lines and is ambushed by militants and taken prisoner.  He is ordered to construct a weapon that they can use against their enemies, but instead Stark has other plans and devises the first Iron Man armor and is able to escape.  Upon returning home Stark has a different view on his company's focus of weapons manufacturing and wants to create more humanity related devices, but that clashes with his controlling officer-Obadiah Stane-Bridges. 

Stane is conspiring to take over Stark's company and wants to steal the technology that Stark created for the first armor for his own objectives.  The two eventually have an epic battle with both utilizing their most advanced armor against one another.  The film was a major success and brought a lot of charm, wit and action.  It can be found in a couple of different versions on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Iron Man - 2008 - Blu-Ray DVD

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

As Marvel wanted to redo one of its longest-running properties, they turned to Ed Norton and a whole new cast and creators.  The Incredible Hulk came out in 2008 and in a sense picked up the story from the last film in that Bruce Banner is now on the run trying to find a cure for his gamma radiation effects that turn him into the Hulk.

Liv Tyler portrays Betty Ross this time and William Hurt is General Ross.  A new character is introduced-Tim Roth who plays a soldier for hire and accepts an experimental drug as part of a program headed up by General Ross and is transformed into the Abomination whose specific task is to destroy the Hulk.

The CGI is brilliant as the two goliaths tangle in the city streets in titanic proportions.  This was the Hulk that reminded us of the comics and was a better version than its predecessor.  Unfortunately Ed Norton would not return in any future sequels and was replaced by another actor.  The film is found on DVD and Blu-Ray with a couple of different versions and packaging with behind the scenes and making of documentaries and other features. 

Hulk - 2008 - Blu-Ray DVD

Punisher: War Zone (2008)

There have been two Punisher films previously, but none as violent as Punisher: War Zone in 2008 starring Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle/Punisher. 

This version introduces Punisher villain-Jigsaw where the previous films had never featured any villain from the comics.  The Punisher in this film is a master of modern day weapons and uses them in obliterating fashion.  He is out to clean up the crime world and takes absolutely no prisoners.

For Punisher fans this is the version that they’ve been waiting for.  Although it did not do well at the box-office, it is a strong seller in the DVD and Blu-Ray market.  These can be found online or locally in different versions with many behind the scenes features and documentaries. 

Punisher War Zone - Blu-Ray DVD

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Hugh Jackman having established himself as a star after appearing in three X-Men films and other ventures got a chance to expand on his role as Wolverine with X-Men Origins: Wolverine in 2009. 

The film focuses primarily on him and no other X-Men team member.  Sabretooth-Lev Schreiber is there at the onset of the film as the story shows the two leaving their home back in the 1800s and battling side by side in multiple wars in the 1800s and 1900s.  The two get recruited by Stryker played by Danny Huston in a plan to bring to light the Weapon X program.  Wolverine has had his share of fighting and leaves with Sabretooth with Stryker in hot pursuit to bring him back to their fold.

Wolverine helps several mutants escape from Stryker’s hold before having to hold his own against Deadpool-Ryan Reynolds who is introduced in the film.  Deadpool is Weapon XI and is ordered to kill both Wolverine and Sabretooth with the film ending with Wolverine having forgotten his memory and opening up the door for a sequel.  It’s a good Marvel movie that is on par with some of the previous X-Men films.  There are a couple of versions available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

X-Men Origins - Wolverine - Blu-Ray DVD

Kick-Ass (2010)

A modern-day crime fighting comic book based on regular people donning costumes of super-heroes and combating real crime came in the form of Kick-Ass in 2010.  Originally the comic had the title character in a lesser role, but readers became big fans and wanted more of him and subsequently Kick-Ass was the star of the series.

The film tells of a story of a young teenager who often gathered in a local comic book store/coffee shop with his friends discussing the druthers of high school life and the world around.  He then conceives the idea of dressing up as a superhero and roaming the streets to stop any of the petty crimes that take place on a daily basis.  He is thrust into being a You Tube phenomenon overnight and becomes a cult hero in the process.

All the while an ex-cop played by Nicholas Cage has been planning to avenge his wife’s death on those he feels responsible with the help of his daughter who he has trained in the art of fighting.  All three eventually come together and take part in the destruction of a mob crime-lord played by Mark Strong.  The film has a lot of incredible fight sequences reminiscent of the Hong Kong and Matrix style of fighting.  It is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Kick-Ass - Blu-Ray DVD

Iron Man 2 (2010)

The follow-up to the successful Iron Man film came in 2010 with Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey Jr. returning in his role as the golden Avenger.  Terrence Howard is replaced by Don Cheadle and dons the War Machine armor for the first time in the movie. 

Rejuvenated Mickey O’Rourke is Whiplash and wants to take back what he perceives his father deserved that Tony Stark’s father had taken away years earlier.  He seeks out to destroy Tony Stark and his empire and devises a drone army and his own weapons to do so.  Scarlett Johansson brings the Black Widow to the screen for the first time in this film.  Her appearances were brief, but spectacular.

The film in my opinion was not as good as the first and lack some of the charm as well as some of the coolness that the original brought, but I purchased a copy for my collection and I think you should too as it is still a good film.  You can find a couple of versions on DVD and Blu-Ray that contain behind the scenes and making of documentaries. 

Iron Man 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Thor (2011)

The Norse God made his film debut in 2011 with Thor.  Chris Hemsworth was cast as the Mighty Thor with Natalie Portman playing Jane Foster who isn’t Don Blake’s nurse, but rather a scientist out to prove the existence of life on other worlds.  Anthony Hopkins plays Odin the father of Thor and Tom Hiddleston as his half brother Loki. 

Just about all of the principles from Thor’s mythology are featured in the film including Sif, Heimdall, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Destroyer and the Frost Giants.

The film shows Thor wanting to send a message to the Frost Giants who had secretly found their way into Asgard in attempt to steal a power source.  Thor foolishly defies and argues with his father who then banishes him to earth with no powers.  Here he has to make his way amongst the locals including Jane Foster and her crew.  The Destroyer is sent down by Loki to destroy Thor as he increasingly had grown jealous of Odin's love for Thor and his place in Asgard and wants to finally see his half brother done away with.  It is only through this encounter does Thor prove worthy and regains his powers and returns to Asgard where he finds his father in a deep sleep.  Thor battles an invasion of the Frost Giants and Loki to regain control of the Kingdom. 

The humor and wit was great and the look of Asgard was surreal.  It really felt like Asgard but some of the CGI scenes were a little blurry to me, but that should not detract from the overall film.  The movie has been a great success.  It is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Thor - 2011 - Blu-Ray DVD

X-Men: First Class (2011)

The X-Men movie franchise got a reboot with X-Men: First Class in 2011 by moving the storylines back to the very beginning of the team.  Charles Xavier meets Mystique for the first time and essentially they are the first team members of the X-Men.

Magneto has been searching years for a Nazis scientist who put him through a vast amount of tortuous experiments when he was younger who also murdered his mother.  As Charles is brought in by the government to help in finding the Nazi's scientist-Sebastian Shaw played by Kevin Bacon, he meets with Magneto for the first time and the two share a common bond as they are the most powerful mutants up to that time.

The Beast, Havok, Banshee, Mystique and Magneto all train under Xavier's watchful eye to become a part of the initial X-Men team to stop Shaw and his group of mutants including Emma Frost.

This movie was better than expected.  It had a lot of great scenes and has some strong performances by James McAvoy-Charles Xavier, Michael Fassbender-Magneto and Bacon. Jennifer Lawrence who was pretty much an unknown at the time plays Mystique.  It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

X-Men First Class - Blu-Ray DVD

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

The Sentinel of Liberty finally got his true motion picture made in 2011 with Captain America: The First Avenger.  Chris Evans is cast as Steve Rogers/Captain America and the origin portion of the story is told in very much the way the Golden Age comics were written and drawn.

Steve Rogers a frail young man is eager to join the military to fight for the US in World War II and after multiple tries is used as an experiment to become a super soldier in a top secret government program.  Unfortunately after getting his new found powers, the creator of the formula is killed.  Captain America is sent around the country and overseas as part of a patriotic promotion to help raise funds and morale for the war efforts.  During this time the Red Skull played by Hugo Weaving has found a power that will make him the absolute ruler in the form of the Cosmic Cube an alien power source that can make the possessor almost invincible. 

Steve Rogers hears that his friend Bucky Barnes’ unit has become prisoners of the Red Skull and goes to the rescue as Captain America.  Cap then goes on a barrage with the aid of the eventual Howling Commandos team and Bucky on the Red Skull’s Hydra army.  The film pits both Cap and the Red Skull in hand to hand battle in the climatic battle.  It was a great film that received a lot of great reviews and was a success at the box office.  The movie is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Captain America - First Avenger - Blu-Ray DVD

Conan the Barbarian (2011)

A new version of Conan the Barbarian made its way back to theaters in 2011 with Jason Momoa as the lead role with a couple of long-time veteran actors-Stephen Lang and Ron Perlman in supporting roles. 

The film focuses on Conan's attempt to exact vengeance on the men who murdered his father and sacked his village.  With updated special effects and 3D technology we basically have a video game style film that did not lead to the same kind of success as its original predecessor enjoyed when Arnold Schwarzenegger first assumed the role back in 1982.

Today's movie goers will certainly enjoy the fighting and action sequences laced with CGI effects and creatures, but will come up short on story and acting with the exception of our two veteran actors who almost always give good performances in each role they partake in.  The movie is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

   Conan - 2011 - Blu-Ray DVD

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012)

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance starring Nicholas Cage back as the title character was released in theaters on February 2012.  This was follow up to the first Ghost Rider movie, but some say not considered a sequel.

The film is about Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze being asked to save the son of the Satan from the devil himself.  Johnny Blaze still continues to struggle with his powers that he gained in the first film after making a deal with the devil and reluctantly agrees to protect the boy at the request of a religious church sector.  There's break-neck action sequences with CGI effects you have come to expect in most comic book films.  You'll also find the Nicholas Cage dry humor that he tends to exude in all of his films.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengeance - Blu-Ray DVD

Marvel's Avengers (2012)

The highly anticipated and much publicized Avengers Movie made its debut in 2012 starring the principles from the other Marvel films with Chris Evans as Captain America, Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.  Tom Hiddleton returned as Loki and was the primary villain in the film. 

Thanos is introduced who helps grant Loki extended powers through his surrogate in order to defeat the Avengers and initiate an invasion of Thanos' forces on earth.  Thanos is slowly acquiring pieces that will help build the Infinity Gauntlet so he can rule the galaxy and uses Loki to help get closer to that objective.  The team goes through several challenges before putting all of its enormous powers together for a major battle against Loki and Thanos' army in the finale.

Marvel Studios had been working to introduce its characters to the mainstream audiences by each featuring one of its key characters in their own film before assembling them into one superhero team film.  They were trying to build the Marvel Universe on the big screen and with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America all having success in their own films culminated into the Marvel's Avengers movie. 

The film went on to be the most successful comic book movie of all-time at the box office both nationally and internationally.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray as well as in special sets as part of Marvel Studios' film set phases. 

Marvel's Avengers - Blu-Ray DVD

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Spider-Man was rebooted by getting a major restart with Andrew Garfield playing Spider-Man in 2012 in The Amazing Spider-Man.  Emma Stone portrayed Gwen Stacy while Martin Sheen, Sally Field co-starred as Uncle Ben and Aunt May.  The Lizard was the villain.  The film re-started from the beginning and would redefine what had already been shown in the previous three films. 

The origin of Spider-Man differed from its predecessors and the comic book in this new direction as Peter Parker would still be bitten by a spider, but this time at Oscorp's laboratories which was experimenting on various genetics in order to eventually build a new army of super-powered beings.  That would be further fleshed out in a sequel.  The search behind the secret of Peter Parker's father and his disappearances as a result of his work at Oscorp is at the heart of the film.  The secret of Parker's father dogs him the entire film as he searches to find the truth and dealing with his new powers.  Parker raises the ire of Gwen's father who is a captain on the police force and discovers Peter's identity and requests he never get involve with his daughter.  The Lizard's alter-ego Curt Conner turns out to be a counterpart of Parker's father at Oscorp who shares some of his knowledge of the situation and further adds to Peter's push to find what happened to his father.  Curt Conner becomes mad/evil with his constant injection of experimental drugs which he uses to replicate a missing limb and eventually goes toe to toe with Spider-Man. 

New effects and visuals are an upgrade from the original trilogy, but overall the film was not as strong as the original film in 2002 and the sequel in 2005.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Amazing Spider-Man - 2012 - Blu-Ray DVD

Iron Man 3 (2013)

The successful Iron Man series continued in 2013 with Iron Man 3.  Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow reprised their successful roles.  This time around Iron Man faces a new threat in the form of his arch nemesis from the comic books, the Mandarin played by Guy Pearce. 

All are duped into thinking the Mandarin is a terrorist leader as portrayed by Ben Kingsley who finds ways to slowly and devastatingly destroy Tony Stark's life and those around him.  Pepper Potts-Paltrow will be kidnapped and has been transformed with the ability to penetrate all forms of metal with her nuclear-like limbs.  All scenarios are devised at the hands of the real Mandarin who has been seeking revenge against Tony Stark after having his early experiments shunned by Stark years ago.

Tony Stark will unleash his full arsenal of Iron Man armored units in the film to help offset the Mandarin's attack forces of super transformed beings including Pepper.  The film has a dynamic showdown finale with all of Stark's armor in full battle mode against the Mandarin forces.

Although not as good as the first film, it does hold up well with the second and has some great action sequences including Iron Man saving several passengers off a crashing airliner and the aforementioned finale.  In addition there are some nice charming scenes with Stark befriending a fatherless child who has incredible ingenuity as a young Stark himself.  The boy helps rejuvenate and aid in Iron Man's return to thwart the Mandarin after experiencing a low point as a result of Mandarin's earlier degradation of Stark's world.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Iron Man 3 - Blu-Ray DVD

Kiss Ass 2 (2013)

Kiss Ass 2 the sequel to the first film made its way to theaters in 2013.  Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse returned to the characters that made them famous in the original film.  Jim Carey joined the cast as another vigilante. 

The film continues from the previous film where Red Mist-Mintz-Plasse decides to rise up as a new crime lord called Mother F**ker to avenge his father's death.  A crop of new vigilantes have been inspired by Kick-Ass and are funded by Jim Carey's character-Colonel Stars and Stripes.  The new group is joined by Kick-Ass as they team up to monitor the streets.  Mother F**ker is bent on his thugs to single handedly take out Kick-Ass' team and Kick-Ass himself.  Hit Girl-Grace Moretz re-emerges to aid Kick-Ass and his team.

Although not as good and as funny as the first film, it's a nice compliment in the series for these cult comic book heroes.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Kick Ass 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

The Wolverine (2013)

The Wolverine in 2013 was the sequel to the first film X-Men Origins: Wolverine with Hugh Jackman returning as the most popular of the X-Men. 

The film picks up closed to where the original left off in that Wolverine is in Japan.  He is requested to aid a former military officer from World War II who had Wolverine as a prisoner at that time.  Wolverine helped save the officer's life and since that time the officer has become a multi-billionaire.  He is supposedly running out of time to live due to the atomic bomb effects from the war and needs Wolverine's DNA in order to prolong his life eternally.

Wolverine is granted by the billionaire to live like a normal human, but was secretly duped and battles both the billionaire in his new incarnation as the Silver Samurai and another mutant in order to regain his powers.  Classic Japanese Samurai fighting abounds in this film as well as classic slashing by Wolverine's claws as we've all seen in several X-Men and Wolverine movies.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray and highly recommended. 

The Wolverine - Blu-Ray DVD

Thor 2: The Dark World (2013)

The sequel to the first Thor movie made its way to theaters in 2013.  Thor 2: The Dark World returned Chris Hemsworth as the Mighty Thor and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster.

An ancient race the Malekith have re-surfaced and is determined to throw the universe into darkness.  He seeks an immense power source in order to help him obtain his goals.  Standing between the Malekith and his forces are those of Asgard and Thor.

The epic battles take place on Earth, Asgard and other realms with Loki-Tom Hiddleston being tabbed by Thor to assist in defeating Malekith.  The fighting and action are superb, however some of the trivial ways implemented by Jane Foster and her group on Earth to help alter and negate the Malekith world destroying devices are a bit unbelievable although this is a make believe world.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Thor Dark World - Blu-Ray DVD

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Picking up where the key elements of the first Captain America film left off comes Captain America: The Winter Soldier in 2014.  Steve Rogers is in search of his long lost friend-Bucky Barnes-Sebastian Stan who had apparently died in the first film.  Rogers suspects Bucky is still alive after encountering the Winter Soldier and senses this might be his friend. 

Bucky had secretly become the Winter Soldier, a super soldier in his own right at the hands of underground forces including those within our own government.

Black Widow-Scarlett Johansson teams up with Cap along with a new ally the Falcon-Anthony Mackie.  The trio take on the Winter Soldier and his allies in some of the most incredible fighting sequences ever.  The film is an improvement over the original and is amped up by the intrigue and mystery surrounding the Winter Soldier.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Captain America Winter Soldier - Blu-Ray DVD

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

The last sequel to the reboot of the Spider-Man franchise came in 2014 with The Amazing Spider-Man 2.  Andrew Garfield-Spider-Man and Emma Stone-Gwen Stacy return with Jaime Foxx making his debut in the film franchise as Electro.

Spider-Man continues to search for the truth behind his father's disappearance and has some tense moments with his friend Harry Osborn-Dane DeHaan who has taken over Oscorp or at least he thinks he has.  Electro accidentally is transformed from nerdy employee at Oscorp into a super-charged villain in the Oscorp labs.

He feels somewhat disenfranchised by Spider-Man who he met earlier before his transformation and decides to go after the web-slinger since he apparently forgot his Electro's real name.  His twisted mind would eventually lead him to team up with the new Green Goblin-Harry Osborn as they work to take down Spidey.

The effects and sequences are of high quality especially the fateful scenes of Gwen Stacy's fall.  Spider-Man fans will enjoy this film and is on par with the original rebooted first film, but not as strong as the original Tobey Maguire films.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

All of the past X-Men actors from the original trilogy and the newest cast members in the re-launched films combine forces in the classic X-Men storyline from the early 1980s comic books.  X-Men: Days of Future Past made its way to theaters in 2014.

Wolverine-Hugh Jackman from the future is sent back to the 1970s before the fateful full on creation of the Sentinels-gigantic mutant killers.  Dr. Trask is working with the US Government on their mutant crackdown and is determined to find the key links in order to help develop the Sentinels.

Wolverine is tasked with preventing Trask from obtaining Mystique's DNA-Jennifer Lawrence which he would eventually use to evolve the Sentinels to becoming the ultimate mutant killing machines in the future.

A plot twist in that Mystique is out to kill Trask whose death is known in the future by the X-Men to have triggered the full blown Sentinel program.  The race against time for Wolverine to reach the younger version of Professor X-James McAvoy and convince him and his team to stop Mystique before it is too late and ultimately initiating the eventual destruction of the mutants in the future.

Fans were so thrilled to see the combined talents of almost all of the X-Men actors coming together in one film reprising their roles at their given place in the mythology.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

X-Men Days of Future Past - Blu-Ray DVD

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

One of Marvel's lesser known super group who had been gaining momentum in the comic books in recent years got their film debut in 2014.  The Guardians of the Galaxy starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista and the voice talents of Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel brought to the big screen a new sense of humor and some outlandish and outrageous scenes that typical Marvel movies don't have.

The film is about a ragtag group of characters who come together to save the universe against ominous forces in their own style.  The film taps into the existing Marvel cinematic universe storylines to keep continuity in the big picture and further enhances it with bravado.  Rocket Raccoon-Bradley Cooper, Groot-Vin Diesel and Drax-Dave Bautista are the show-stealing supporting characters to Pratt's Star-Lord and Saldana's Gamora.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Guardians of the Galaxy - Vol. 1 - Blu-Ray DVD

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

The eagerly awaited sequel to the most successful comic book movie came in 2015.  Avengers: Age of Ultron brings back all of the principles-Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk with new additions Quick Silver, Scarlet Witch and the Vision joining the cast.

Ultron is brought to life with a combination of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner's initiation using the previous film's scepter's gem to finish Stark's defense program and the takeover of Stark's artificial intelligence system J.A.R.V.I.S.  The long-time Avengers villain comes to life and begins to evolve throughout the film beyond measure and creates an army of Ultrons.

The Avengers will not only be in deep battle with Ultron and his forces, but the two mutants Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch.  The Vision is brought to life in connection with Ultron and Thor's hammer.  The Vision is a supreme being in his own right and will team with the Avengers to help defeat Ultron.  Both mutants eventually come around to seeing the err in their ways of holding Tony Stark responsible for the deaths of their parents and reconcile.  All out action and humor similar to the standard of the first movie, but not quite on the same level will still have you wanting to see the film a few times.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Avengers Age of Ultron - Blu-Ray DVD

Ant-Man (2015)

An original Avengers team member got his own film in 2015.  Ant-Man starring Paul Ruud, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas brings forth the smallest hero in the Marvel Universe to big screen.

Hank Pym-Douglas is an inventor who created the ability to shrink anything including himself and worked as a superhero earlier in his day.  He needs to the services of someone he can groom into the new Ant-Man and convinces small-time criminal Scott Lang-Ruud to take on the mantle to thwart his protege who has touted he has created his own ability to shrink.  Pym's protege must be stopped.  The two shrinking antagonists venture into the real world as miniature dynamos battling it out.  The view from their level is astounding and the effects are incredible.  The humor in many scenes will have you laughing on end.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Ant-Man - Blu-Ray DVD

Fantastic Four (2015)

In an attempt to reboot the Fantastic Four film franchise, Twentieth Century Fox released Fantastic Four in 2015 by assembling a new cast in order to breathe life into the "World's Greatest Comic Magazine". 

Unfortunately fans stayed home and the film flopped at the box office.  The same premise of the original film where the heroes first obtained their powers is told and Doctor Doom as the villain.  The cast was much younger than the original film and gain their powers by traveling to another universe as opposed to within our own universe.  Doom remains tied to the four members as a former friend and they work together as a group to stop him from destroying Earth.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Fantastic Four - 2015 - Blu-Ray DVD

Deadpool (2016)

A cult fan favorite from the pages of New Mutants, X-Force comes Deadpool in 2016.  Ryan Reynolds resumes his role as the mutant with the mouth.  He first and last portrayed the character sans costume in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

The fast action sword play, weapons expert and stunts are what make Deadpool such a cool character in addition to the smart alack commentaries he is known to make at just about every opportunity.  His origin is retold in full and the storyline features Deadpool going after the scientist who transformed him from a Special Forces operative to a disfigured and genetically changed mercenary.  The film has the humor you come to expect from the character as seen in the comics and Ryan Reynolds is certainly fitting in this role.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Deadpool - Blu-Ray DVD

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

The last in the trilogy of Captain America films maybe the best.  The popular storyline in the comic books is drawn upon for Captain America: Civil War movie in 2016.  All of the key principles from the previous Cap films and Iron Man and Avengers films are cast for this movie including the introduction of Spider-Man to the Marvel Studios cinematic universe. 

Spider-Man previously only appeared in the Sony Pictures films and due to copyrights remained in that world until agreements were made to cross-over the characters so each would have the opportunity to use the characters in their own studio films.

The premise of the movie is the government is increasingly concerned about super-powered beings going unchecked and unregistered after a recent incident that goes awry.  They want to control the team and demand they register themselves and stay under their jurisdiction in the new accord.  The team is split on that initiative which divides the team and pits them against one another.  Furthering their divide it is revealed that the Winter Soldier-Bucky Barnes previously had killed Tony Stark's parents as part of a mission while under the Winter Soldier mind control.  Captain America is out to save his friend from the perpetrators who put Bucky into that situation, but Stark is out for revenge.

We get to see Spider-Man join the fray along with Ant-Man who previously had not appeared outside of his own film.  All heroes are on two sides and duke it out in a huge superhero brawl the screen hasn't seen before.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Captain America - Civil War - Blu-Ray DVD

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

One of the most prolific X-Men villain finally was used in a film.  X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 made it a reality to bring to life a key villain.  New X-Men and new mutants were brought into the film universe at a younger age.  Cyclops, Phoenix, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Storm, Angel-Archangel, Psylocke all join the existing X-Men First Class cast of Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, Beast, Havok and Quicksilver.

Apocalypse-the most powerful mutant of all-time goes into hibernation for centuries since the ancient times and awakens to a new world.  He recruits four mutants to become his four horsemen to begin his dominance of the world.  Magneto is recruited after the death of his wife and child.  In their way are the X-Men.  Can the the young X-Men and existing X-Men be enough to stop Apocalypse.  It is exciting to see the X-Men universe continue in this period and expanding it in various directions.  There are unlimited possibilities on where the next films can go as the young X-Men grow.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

X-Men - Apocalypse - Blu-Ray DVD

Doctor Strange (2016)

One of Marvel's oldest and coolest characters saw his theatrical debut in 2016.  Doctor Strange starring Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role featured Dr. Stephen Strange a successful surgeon who tragically has an accident and loses the ability to use his hands.  He learns of a potential cure for his injuries and desperately seeks a solution and ends up learning the mystic arts and other dimensions in the process.  He becomes Doctor Strange and battles several evil factions including the dreaded Dormmamu, the evil dark lord of the Dark Dimension.

This is not your typical superhero film, but fits in the Marvel Universe very well as Doctor Strange has appeared in and alongside many superheroes in his time.  Marvel Studios always finds a way to blend in their characters with one another and this is no exception when viewing the end credits.  The visual effects are stunning and the performances are top rate.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Doctor Strange - Blu-Ray DVD

Logan (2017)

After having performed as Wolverine for several X-Men and solo movies, Hugh Jackman apparently has retired from the character that made him a world wide celebrity.  Logan appeared in 2017 with Wolverine as an aging mutant.  He lives an ordinary life similar to the first Wolverine movie and encounters a nurse and a young girl who eventually will be revealed as Wolverine's daughter due to his DNA having been used to create her and others like her as weapons.

The film takes us through the course of Logan trying to aid the two while dodging the creator and his minions.  Ultimately we see the deaths of both Professor X and Logan thus technically ending their characters in film for now.  The young girl-X-23 potentially may be used as a future film subject to expand on the Wolverine legend.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Logan - DVD

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 continues the adventures of our misfit super team.  Star-Lord's father is revealed to be that of Ego the living planet who had implemented a plan to terra-form as many worlds as possible with his DNA constructs.  He requires the help of Star-Lord as it requires two high-powered beings as themselves in order to active the seedlings.

Upon learning that Ego had killed his mother, Star-Lord and his team desperately challenge Ego to destroy his plans.  Drax has some wonderful scenes and essentially steals the show with his humor as Rocket and Groot had done in the first film.  The visual effects are still high class and the introduction of Mantis adds to the growing Guardians universe of characters.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

The second phase of the re-booted Spider-Man franchise came in 2017.  After initially introducing the new Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War, young Tom Holland returns in the title role in Spider-Man: Homecoming.  Spider-Man and Tony Stark discuss his potential membership in the Avengers, but eventually Stark believes he's not ready-too young.

Peter Parker returns to civilian life as a student and quickly gets back into superhero life as well thwarting regular thugs.  Along the way he encounters associates involved with a businessman who would become the Vulture-Michael Keaton.

Spider-Man tangles with the Vulture's associates, the Vulture and one of the Vulture's henchmen who takes over the mantle as the Shocker.  A small bit of irony is Peter Parker having a crush with one of his classmates who turns out to be the Vulture's daughter.  Putting things together the Vulture threatens Parker if he attempts to interfere with his plans to commandeer weapons from the Avengers.

A fresh new look for the franchise and new supporting cast members along with the latest in CGI effects makes Spider-Man: Homecoming a new start in the re-launched series.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming - Blu-Ray DVD

Thor 3: Ragnorak (2017)

Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok—the destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization—at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger—the Incredible Hulk.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Thor: Ragnarok - Blu-Ray DVD

Black Panther (2018)

After tragedy forces young Prince T'Challa to assume Wakanda's throne, he is faced with the ultimate test, putting the fate of his country and the entire world at risk. Pitted against his own family, the new king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and embrace his future as an Avenger.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Black Panther - Blu-Ray DVD

Avengers Infinity War (2018)

An unprecedented cinematic journey ten years in the making and spanning the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Infinity War brings to the screen the ultimate, deadliest showdown of all time. As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Avengers: Infinity War - Blu-Ray DVD

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg, Cable.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Deadpool 2 - Blu-Ray DVD

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

As Scott Lang balances being both a Super Hero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Ant-Man and the Wasp - Blu-Ray DVD

Venom (2018)

One of Marvel's greatest and most complex characters takes center stage as Eddie Brock ( Tom Hardy) becomes the host for the alien symbiote Venom. Upon investigating one of Drake's experiments, the alien Venom merges with Eddie's body, and he suddenly had incredible new superpowers, as well as the chance to do just about whatever he wants.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray. 

Venom - Blu-Ray DVD

Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel takes you on a spectacular adventure from the 1990s, tracing the path of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) as she becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes. When a galactic war reaches Earth, she meets young agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) at the center of a maelstrom, leading to her ultimate destiny as an Avenger.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray DVD. 

Captain Marvel - Blu-Ray DVD

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

The final chapter of Marvel Studios' 10 year odyssey bringing to life the Marvel Universe on the big screen comes to a conclusion in an incredible motion picture pitting the forces of the Avengers and their allies against the mighty Thanos.  Fans of the entire series have made this film the highest grossing comic book movie of all-time.  The film is available in various forms of media. 

Avengers: End Game Blu-Ray DVD

Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)


Spider-Man: Far From Home was the second installment in the revamped Spider-Man movie series starring Tom Holland as Spider-Man/Peter Parker.  Spider-Man, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) team-up to combat elemental creatures (Earth, fire, water and air). 

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Black Widow Movie (2021)

Black Widow movie starring Scarlett Johansson is available on various forms of media.

Black Widow Movie - Amazon

Venom: Let there be Carnage (2021)

Venom: Let there be Carnage is available on various forms of media.  This is the follow up sequel to the Marvel Comics movie Venom starring Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams. 

Venom: Let there be Carnage - Amazon

Spider-Man No Way Home (2022)

Spider-Man No Way Home starring Tom Holland is available in various forms of media.  This is the third installment of the new Spider-Man series.  

Spider-Man No Way Home - Amazon

Morbius Movie (2022)

The Morbius Marvel movie is available in various forms of media.  This is the film starring Jared Leto in the title role of the well known Spider-Man villain. 

Morbius Marvel Movie - Amazon

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

Thor: Love and Thunder is he latest Marvel Studios Thor movie stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman and Christian Bale.  Thor teams up with King Valkyrie, Korg and the Mighty Thor Jane Foster to take on Gorr the God Butcher.  

Black Panther Wakanda Forever (2023)

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever movie is available in various forms of media.  It stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett.  This is the 2022 sequel to the smash hit Black Panther in 2018. T'Challa the Black Panther has died and a new Black Panther takes his place to defend their kingdom from a new threat in Namor. 

Black Panther Wakanda Forever Movie - Amazon

Happy Collecting!!!

Johnson's Collectibles

Thanos Bust by Sideshow Collectibles



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X-MEN #9
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X-MEN #282
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