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Batman 101 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 121 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 155 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 171 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 181 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 232 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 234 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 238 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 255 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 357 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 366 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 368 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 426 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman 428 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Batman Annual 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
BATMAN Annual #1
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Brave and the Bold 28 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Brave and the Bold 34 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 27 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 38 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 225 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 233 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 327 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 387 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Detective Comics 400 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Flash Comics 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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FLASH #105
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FLASH #110
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FLASH #112
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FLASH #113
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FLASH #117
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FLASH #123
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FLASH #127
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FLASH #129
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FLASH #135
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FLASH #137
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FLASH #175
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Green Lantern 1 - 1941 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 7 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 16 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 40 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 59 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 76 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 85 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 86 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 87 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 90 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Green Lantern 110 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Hawkman 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 4 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 9 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Justice League of America 14 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #14 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 21 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #21 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 22 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #22 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 31 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #31 for sale - mycomicshop

Justice League of America 56 - for sale - mycomicshop
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #56 for sale - mycomicshop

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Showcase 4 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Showcase 22 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Showcase 34 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 3 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 24 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 30 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 53 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 76 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 100 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 199 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 233 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 242 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 245 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 252 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 254 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 263 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 269 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 276 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 300 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman 317 - for sale - mycomicshop
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Superman Annual 1 - for sale - mycomicshop
SUPERMAN Annual #1
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Comic book movies have really taken off since about 2008 and DC comic book characters have been a big part of this trend. 

Here on this page I have provided a quick summary on live-action films that have been made based on DC comic book characters.  These are films that were released in theaters or straight to DVD.

I do have a page on my site focused on DC animated films that you can visit by clicking here.

There have been numerous movie serials starring Superman, Batman and Captain Marvel back in the 1940s, but none were considered a full-length feature film.

Superman and the Mole-Men (1951)

In 1951 when Superman was going to be launched on television, the producers wanted to test out how people would receive a live-action series before he debuted on TV. 

Superman and the Mole-Men appeared on movie screens with George Reaves first donning the classic red and blue costume of the Man of Steel.  It was an instant hit leading to several years of The Adventures of Superman series on television. 

The effects were pretty good for the time with the story a little far-fetched with dwarfed aliens having crash landed in a small town and living below the earth’s surface.  Their radioactive bodies were causing the town folk issues and in typical fashion Lois Lane and Clark Kent were on the scene with Superman ready to combat the little nemeses.  The movie is available for purchase with the season 1 DVD set and with the Superman Ultimate Collector’s Edition set.  You may also find it on VHS tape online. 

Superman and the Mole Men - DVD

Batman (1966)

The most watched comic book movie of all-time is the Batman movie starring Adam West-Batman, Burt Ward-Robin, Cesar Romero-Joker, Burgess Meredith-Penguin, Frank Gorshin-Riddler and Lee Meriwether-Catwoman in 1966. 

The cast and crew from the television series took their act to the big screen for a classic motion picture with a bigger budget than what they were used to on TV.  This was in between seasons as it was not clear that ABC would bring back the show for another year so the producers decided to make their way to the silver screen and it worked.  The show was picked up again for another season and a half.

The movie centered around Batman’s four greatest villains coming together in a united front to take over the United Nations and take down Batman and Robin in the process.  The movie was in the middle of the Bat-Craze mania and has been showed a gazillion times on TV with millions and millions of fans having watched at one time or another. 

The movie has been available for purchase on home video for quite some time and since the advent of DVD has made its way onto that format as well.  You can acquire a copy for your collection either locally or online. 

Batman the Movie - 1966 - Blu-Ray DVD

Superman the Movie (1978)

The break-through DC movie that essentially became the benchmark for all other superhero films came in 1978 when the Man of Steel made it to theaters in big budget fashion with Superman the Movie starring Christopher Reeve as Superman/Clark Kent, Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, Marlon Brando as Jor-El, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane and a huge all-star cast. 

It seemed strange that with all of the history that no one attempted to do a Superman film before other than the movie serials from the late 1940s/50s starring Kirk Alyn. 

The producers wanted to tell Superman’s origin story and create his world like never before with an emphasis on his ability to fly that no one had ever experienced up to that time.  They wanted to do things in a big way that had never been attempted for a comic book film. 

The story starts off on his home planet of Krypton about to be destroyed with his parents rocketing young Kal-El to earth in a small craft and then growing up on a farm in Smallville. 

He learns of his heritage and origin in the Fortress of Solitude before embarking to his new surroundings in Metropolis and then saving and rescuing all sorts of people and things including Lois Lane before the climatic finale where he has to save both California from a major earthquake and New Jersey at the hands of Lex Luthor. 

The movie has one of the most recognizable soundtracks ever by composer John Williams that still gets played with various promotions and other associations today.  This was really the one movie that started DC's mark in motion pictures and continues to hold up today. 

The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray either by itself or in the Christopher Reeve set, in the Superman Ultimate Collector’s Edition set and in the Superman Motion Picture Anthology set. 

Superman the Movie - Blu-Ray DVD   Superman - Ultimate Movie Collection - DVD   Superman Movie Collection - Blu-Ray DVD

Following Superman the Movie were two sequels by the same producers with Superman II in 1981 and Superman III in 1983.

Superman II (1980)

In Superman II, Superman takes on three of Krypton’s most hated enemies - General Zod, Ursa and Non who have escaped from the Phantom Zone indirectly due to Superman's own heroics resulting from his saving the Eiffel Tower from a nuclear bomb which explodes in outer space.

At the time I remember how all of us fans were excited and anticipating the battle of the super-powered beings in this film and it did not disappoint.  Superman against all three Kryptonian foes battling out in the skies and buildings of Metropolis.  Although tame compared to today's standard superhero films, it was an epic showdown during that year.

The film was considered at the time by some critics as the best sequel of all-time which included The Empire Strikes Back, the sequel to Star Wars Superman II was filmed almost simultaneously with Superman the Movie to save time and money.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Superman II - Blu-Ray DVD

Swamp Thing (1982)

In 1982 DC's macabre hero was produced into a motion picture.  Swamp Thing starring Dick Durock as the Swamp Thing, Adrienne Barbeau as government agent Alice Cable and Louis Jourdan as Dr. Anton Arcane made its way to theaters with Wes Craven providing the writing and directing.

The film tells Swamp Thing's origin as Dr. Alec Holland-Ray Wise under the watchful eye of Alice Cable is creating a formula to end world hunger with Dr. Arcane storming the lab to steal the formula and dousing Holland with chemicals and kidnapping Cable in the process.  He leaves Holland for dead in the swamp where he mutates with the plants and transforms into the Swamp Thing.

The Swamp Thing comes to Cable's rescue and defeats Arcane.  The film incorporates comic book techniques with panel screen wipes and does have a campy feel to it.  Some will come away scratching their heads as they probably expected a more serious film than what was produced. 
It's a appealing film.  The film can be purchased on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Swamp Thing - Movie - Blu-Ray DVD

Superman III (1983)

Superman III featured a more comedic tone with Richard Pryor as an out of work geek who is able to finagle his way to becoming a computer wiz and using his newly acquired talents to assist a conniving mogul to gain more riches.  Superman is exposed to a different form of Kryptonite that changes him into an evil Superman where he has split personalities and struggles to regain his former self before the final showdown in the Grand Canyon.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Superman III - Blu-Ray DVD

The producers had planned quite a few Superman films to follow this one with villains like Bizarro and Mister Myxzptlk to be the antagonists in future films.  Unfortunately with the now famous falling out with director Richard Donner having shot almost half to three quarters of Superman II and replaced with Richard Lester to finish up the rest of that film and the lack of commercial success with Superman III all contributed to thoughts of future Superman film projects turning to dust.

The Superman producers wanted to continue mining the Super franchise by turning their attention next to the female Superman after Superman III's box office failure.

Supergirl (1984)

Supergirl in 1984 starring Helen Slater made its way to movie theaters bringing some of the same elements of the first Superman film with Kara-El heading to earth in a space ship similar to Kal-El before her.  Only this time she was trying to reacquire a power source called the Omegahedron that her teacher/mentor-Peter O'Toole accidentally loses.

Supergirl now on earth creates her alter ego Linda Lee all the while searching for the artifact in this new world.  A witch played by Faye Dunaway has found the Omegahedron and Supergirl eventually has to escape out of the Phantom Zone and clash with the witch before she's able to reacquire the power source and bring it back to her people.

It's a good film that many have not seen since it did not go over well in theaters as most had lost their appetite for anything Superman at that time.  The film is available in a couple of
different versions on DVD.  

Supergirl Movie - Blu-Ray DVD

At a time when nuclear missiles were very much a part of the world landscape and in the news with the Star Wars armed defense system in the mix, Christopher Reeve although having decided to retire as Superman a few years earlier decided to come back and reprise his role as a way to make all citizens aware of the detriments of nuclear war. 

He felt donning the iconic costume again and doing a story revolving around that subject would be a great way to send a peace message.  In the film Superman addresses the United Nations about nuclear war and went about disarming all nuclear warheads after befriending a young boy who requested that Superman put an end to any possible threat.

The producers of the first three Superman films were not involved and neither was Superman's parent company Warner Brothers.  Reeve was able to assemble most of the cast and crew from the earlier films with Cannon Films eventually acting as the financier and distributor, but at the last moments they severely limited the budget for the filmmakers to use.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace debuted in 1987 with some allure and wit from the previous movies, but the lackluster special effects is what most seem to remember.  Superman took on arch-nemesis Lex Luthor again, but  and this time with the help of a harnessed nuclear powered villain to take out the Man of Steel. 

There were some fun loving moments with Clark Kent and Superman on a double date with Lois Lane and the daughter of the new owner of the Daily Planet and some somber moments with the Man of Steel dealing with his inflicted wounds from the nuclear man.  This would be the last Superman film for closed to 20 years.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Superman IV - Blu-Ray DVD

The Return of the Swamp Thing (1989)

The Swamp Thing franchise was revisited in 1989 with The Return of the Swamp Thing with Dick Durock returning as the title character and Louis Jourdan back as the arch-villlain Dr. Anton Arcane. 

Heather Locklear takes her turn as the damsel in distress as Arcane's step-daughter out to solve her mother's mysterious death.  She visits him not realizing that he is working on a serum for his immortality and needs to off her for his purposes.  The Swamp Thing is her only hope and in typical fashion come to her rescue while battling Arcane and other creatures.

The film was made in typical B-Movie fashion and some will come away thinking why this film was made, but it has charm and some good moments that will appeal to more people than not.  The movie is available on DVD and Blu-Ray (although maybe quite expensive until the manufacturer re-distributes again). 

The Return of Swamp Thing - DVD

Batman (1989)

After hearing about rumors for closed to a decade about a Batman movie in the same spirit and attention to detail that Superman the Movie received, writers and fans speculated on who would play Batman and who would write and direct the film. 

Warner Brothers released in 1989 the movie called Batman starring Michael Keaton in the title role and Jack Nicholson as the Joker.  This was the dark and serious version that fans had been asking for a long time with no camp humor.

Batman in this version was indirectly responsible for creating the Joker as was Joker responsible for killing Bruce Wayne's parents offering Batman an even greater reason to bring down the Joker.  This obviously differed from the comics, but most fans went to see the film multiple times making it amongst one of the higher grossing films of all-time up to that year and it spawned three more sequels. 

Fans ate up the film's props - the amazing looking Batmobile, Batwing and Batcave along with a megalopolis like Gotham City which won an Oscar for Anton Furst for art direction.  They loved Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker and thought the Batman costume was fantastic.  The film has been available for purchase in various formats over the years and can be found on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Batman - 1989 - Blu-Ray DVD

Batman Returns (1992)

The follow up to the Michael Keaton Batman film came in 1992 with Batman Returns.  Keaton returned to his role as the Dark Knight with Danny Devito as the Penguin and Michael Pfeiffer as Catwoman.  Tim Burton who directed both Batman films kept the dark tones and look in the sequel. 

The Penguin in this film originated from a rich Gotham City family who were appalled by his deformities and dumping him in the sewer where he would later grow up in a circus and exact his revenge on all of Gotham City's first born. 

Catwoman originated in the film after having been thrown out of a high story window by her boss and getting slowly bitten by alley-cats and transforming into the feline villainess.

Both villains would take on Batman at different times and each getting some sort of revenge on those who led them to their eventual lives before their demise or so we think.  Batman Returns has been available for purchase in different formats and can be found on DVD and Blu-Ray and possibly VHS. 

Batman Returns - Blu-Ray DVD

The Shadow (1994)

The Shadow which became a product of DC Comics in the 1970s after having been created in trade paperback pulps and on radio in the 1930s made his film debut in 1994 with Alec Baldwin in the starring role. 

The elements that you associate with the Shadow were on display in this film and with some good old fashion humor.  I enjoyed the film when it came out in theaters and I think many will too.  It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

The Shadow - Blu-Ray DVD

Batman Forever (1995)

Once Tim Burton decided to move on from the Batman franchise, another director was signed on and he took Batman in different directions.  Joel Schumacher was brought in for Batman Forever in 1995 giving the film a more colorful tone than before with a little bit of humor mixed in.  This time Val Kilmer was Batman and the introduction of Robin as played by Chris O’Donnell were featured.

Batman struggles with nightmares of his parents’ murders and questions whether or not he wants to continue as Batman or not.  Having fallen in love with a psychiatrist that he is seeing-Nicole Kidman, Batman is continually drawn back into crime fighting as he now has to mentor young Dick Grayson whose parents are murdered by villain Two Face-Tommy Lee Jones. 

Dick needs the guidance of Bruce Wayne as he too is struggling with his own demons of revenge against Two Face.  He works profusely to get Bruce to train him to fight crime and exact his vengeance on Two Face.  Eventually Bruce relents and Robin is born.

Riddler-Jim Carey is created in this film too after having been snubbed by employer Bruce Wayne for his invention in mind manipulation.  The two villains team up together to take over Gotham and Batman and Robin unite to form the classic team to stop them.  

With updated versions of the Bat suit, Batmobile, Batwing and more, the film was the top box office draw of the year.  I thought it was good film and have watched it more times than the other previous Batman films.  There is a lot of excitement throughout and none of the smiling grins or enhancements to the costumes spoiled my viewing.  I think a lot of fans will enjoy the film.  It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Batman Forever -Blu-Ray DVD

Steel (1997)

Starring Shaquille O'Neal in the title role.  John Henry Irons designs weapons for the military. When his project to create weapons that harmlessly neutralize soldiers is sabotaged, he leaves in disgust. When he sees gangs are using his weapons on the street, he uses his brains and his Uncle Joe's junkyard know-how to fight back, becoming a real man of "steel." - IMDB

Steel - DVD

Batman and Robin (1997)

Val Kilmer had a falling out with Schumacher and was not brought back for the next installment.  George Clooney signed on as Batman and together with O’Donnell portray the title characters in
Batman and Robin in 1997. 

The two heroes now take on three villains-Poison Ivy-Uma Thurman and Mr. Freeze-Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bane.  Ivy puts on her poisonous charm on Gotham’s elite and finest while Mr. Freeze attempts to freeze all of Gotham. 

Freeze secretly is trying to find a cure to his wife’s mysterious illness and trusty Alfred the butler is slowly dying and through fateful encounters between the heroes and villains, Freeze ends up helping save Alfred’s life.  Batgirl-Alicia Silverstone is introduced in the film as well.  It’s probably the weakest of the Batman films of the late 80s/90s, but still a fun movie to watch and own.  It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Batman & Robin -Blu-Ray DVD

Of all of the actors who portrayed Batman up to that time, Batman creator Bob Kane felt that Val Kilmer was the best.

Catwoman (2004)

Halle Berry was the next Catwoman in a long line of actresses to play the part.  Catwoman debuted in 2004.  It really had no continuity to the Batman mythology.  Her costume although made of leather did not have the classic look or modern look that Catwoman is known for, but had a unique flair that someone as beautiful as Berry made look gorgeous. 

It’s not a film that I would go out and purchase, but is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Catwoman - Blu-Ray DVD

Batman Begins (2005)

DC wanted to reinvigorate the Batman franchise and decided to restart the stories from the beginning.  With a whole new cast and a whole new direction under the guidance of director Christopher Nolan, Batman Begins in 2005 takes Batman back to his beginnings and retells his origin in a much different way than what had been told before in the movies. 

The film gave fans a grittier and stronger Batman than we ever saw before.  It offered us a fresh look on Batman characters like Alfred, Detective James Gordon and others.  It debuted quite a few newer characters with a couple only seen in comics or TV like Lucius Fox.

Christian Bale portrayed Batman this time around went deep into the mountain stronghold of Ra's Al Ghul to train to be a part of the League of Shadows, but secretly needing to find himself and a purpose in life again after years of toiling away since his parent's deaths.  He would later fight his entire clan, Scarecrow and Gotham City’s underworld to save the city from total destruction. 

The film did a marvelous job of bringing Batman more inline with the character as he began in 1939.  It gave us the Batman we've been wanting and how he made all of those wonderful gadgets for his war on crime.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray by itself and in a couple of different sets. 

Batman Begins - Blu-Ray DVD

Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006)

Many years later Richard Donner worked together with several artists and technicians to pull together old film stock and re-create Superman II as he had intended before he was unceremoniously lifted from the director's chair to complete that project. 

He was able to find an incredible amount of footage and re-edited the film and released it on DVD calling it Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut.  The film has many of the earmarks of the first film and is more inline with having Jor-El and not his wife play the crucial part in helping Superman in his decision to become human.

The film can be found in the Superman Motion Picture Anthology set, the Superman Ultimate Collector’s Edition set and by itself. 

Superman II - Director's Cut - Blu-Ray DVD

Superman Returns (2006)

Bryan Singer, fresh off working on two X-Men films had always been fascinated with Superman and wanted an opportunity to resurrect the franchise.  He kept many aspects as he could from the first two Superman films that Christopher Reeve starred in and actually in storyline continuity picked up where Superman II left off in a sense. 

Superman Returns debuted in 2006 with unknown Brandon Routh as the Man of Steel and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. 

The look and feel was slightly different with the costume being the most obvious, but some elements like the Kent farm, the green crystal that built the Fortress of Solitude and Superman saving a runaway car posing exactly like that of the cover of Action Comics #1 will be nostalgic for most. 

Most fans although were a little disappointed in the story spending too much time with Superman and the now married Lois Lane’s previous love infatuations with one another.  I think it’s a film that’s worth watching and having in your collection as there are some fantastic sequences and effects with some good appeal.  It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray and can be found in some of the aforementioned Superman sets. 

Superman Returns - Blu-Ray DVD

The Dark Knight (2008)

The highest grossing comic book movie of all-time after its run (would be eclipsed in 2012) made its way to theaters in 2008.  The Dark Knight was the follow up to Batman Begins with almost the same primary cast.  Christian Bale teams up again with Christopher Nolan to further delve into the Batman mythos. 

This time around the Joker played by the late Heath Ledger is the primary villain who successfully takes over the crime underworld, puts fear in Gotham City and its citizens and turns them all against Batman in the process. 

The creation of Two Face from District Attorney Harvey Dent-Aaron Eckhart is told in the film as a result of the Joker’s schemes and Batman’s attempt to save Harvey Dent from imminent death.

The most talked about aspect of the film is Ledger’s performance which earned him a posthumous Oscar for Supporting Actor.

The film pitted Batman and the Joker against one another in true hero versus villain as it should be with Two Face right in the middle.  There were several scenes shot in IMAX format which gives us an eye-popping experience. 

I haven’t heard anyone come away disappointed with this film and I highly recommend it.  The film is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-Ray and is available in some of the special sets. 

The Dark Knight - Blu-Ray DVD

Watchmen (2009)

The best selling graphic novel of all-time finally made it to the big screen in the form of Watchmen in 2009.  The film attempts to adapt the original source material from the 1980s as best as a movie can with all of the time constraints and other factors involved.

It focuses on several heroes from the past and present that have been secretively murdered needing some of the remaining members to solve.  Dr. Manhattan, Nite Owl, Rorschach, Silk Spectre, Silk Spectre II and Comedian are all here and done in masterful fashion by 300 director Zack Snyder. 

It is a somewhat hard to follow film, but after a few viewings you can pick up some of the
subtleties and side stories.  The film is available on DVD and Blu-Ray and a few special editions. 

Watchmen - Blu-Ray DVD

Jonah Hex (2010)

DC's anti-western hero was created as a motion picture in 2010 with Jonah Hex starring Josh Brolin as Jonah and Megan Fox as his sidekick brothel girlfriend who are tasked with stopping a mad man played by John Malkovich who is bent on destroying Washington, DC. 

Jonah Hex has supernatural abilities where he can communicate with the dead and uses it to his advantage and the typical big explosions that have been seen in previous westerns where technology is somehow available during that time period is prevalent and will satisfy those who love that video game feel.

The story is unstable and some will walk away shaking their heads, but with Megan Fox in the film it's worth viewing.  The film can be purchased on DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Jonah Hex - Blu-Ray DVD

Green Lantern (2011)

For a while it was beginning to look uncertain if DC would ever create another superhero film other than Batman or Superman related.  There were certainly plenty of major characters available.

Finally in 2011 Green Lantern appeared on the big screen with Ryan Reynolds in the starring role and as his alter ego Hal Jordan with Blake Lively as Carol Ferris. 

It was a bit surprising to me that so many of the Green Lantern characters would appear in the first film.  I would have expected some to be in the next film, but having all of the others included made for a satisfying experience.

Abin Sur played by Temuera Morrison, Sinestro played by Mark Strong.  The Guardians of the Universe you expect in the first film were also joined by Hector Hammond, Parallax, Tomar-Re, Kilowog and a slew of the Green Lantern Corps, Thomas Kalmaku, the Jordan brothers and Carl Ferris. 

Ryan Reynolds known for his comedic roles was given the opportunity to use some of his natural talents in this movie which took away from what traditional Hal Jordan fans expect, but the visual effects were spectacular.  I think the film holds up despite the humor.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray. 

Green Lantern - 2011 - Blu-Ray DVD

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The Dark Knight Rises in 2012 completed the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy.  Nolan had decided long ago that he would direct and write three films to tell his version of Batman and this film served to tie up and loose ends in order to allow any creator to come in and tell their version.

The film pick ups a few years later after The Dark Knight left off with Batman having taken the fall for Harvey Dent's death.  Batman has basically been in retirement and no one has seen him for years since.  A new criminal is in town-Bane and his mercenaries have Gotham City in terror having planted immense explosive devices with a mobile detonator.  His gang has baited almost the entire police force underground and have them trapped and unable to escape.

Bruce Wayne rekindles a romance with someone who turns out to be the daughter of his arch-nemesis Ra's Al Ghul who has been working in tandem with Bane in their plot to destroy Gotham.  The Dark Knight comes out of hiding to help thwart the new threat and encounters Catwoman along the way.  She double-crosses Batman and is imprisoned in the same facility that Bane came from.  Batman desperately has to escape in order to foil Bane and Talia Al Ghul and eventually has to convince Catwoman to help him. 

Although not as strong as The Dark Knight, it does have a lot of tense moments and great scenes. The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray. 

Dark Knight Rises - Blu-Ray DVD

Man of Steel (2013)

In 2013 Superman got re-booted again.  The Man of Steel starring an unknown actor named Henry Cavill as Superman and directed by Zack Snyder joined the pantheon of Superman movies.  An all-star cast was assembled with Russell Crowe as Jor-El, Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Julia Ormond as Lara Lor-Van.  The creators tried to at least upgrade the last Superman film-Superman Returns with the high-powered cast, but the typical Superman of Red, White and Blue would not be visited. 

This time Zack Synder created a darker tone and treated the Superman we see in this film as an alien which of course he is, but Superman was in the comics and in the previous films having blended into our world without too much fear and anxiety as portrayed in this film.  Superman stood for our values and upheld the law and the military and the government and populace did not need to worry about what he would do.  He would always protect.

That was the deviation with this Superman.  An outsider that could not be trusted at first.  Someone who had to gain our trust as he battled not only the US military, but Zod and his forces.  They had been searching for the genetic structure that Superman's father on Krypton had sent off in the space ship that delivered young Kal-El (Superman) to Earth.  In actuality the genetics were embedded into Superman himself.  Zod and his team worked to terra-form the Earth into the Krypton of the past with Superman the only force in their way.

The effects were mesmerizing and the pace was lightning quick.  The battle scenes were immense.  It may not be American pie and the good ole USA type Superman, it definitely has a strong place in Superman and comic book film history.  The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray. 

Man of Steel - Blu-Ray DVD

Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice (2016)

The long awaited film featuring comic book's most famous characters finally was produced and released in 2016 in the form of Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice.

Henry Cavill returned as Superman while Ben Affleck took over as Batman.  The two heroes are on opposite sides of justice and are at odds with one another in their methods of working within the law and outside of the law.  Lex Luthor has plans to incorporate Superman's genetics for his purposes and creates the Kryptonian creature known as Doomsday. 

Bruce Wayne encounters a mysterious woman who has taken an interest in Lex Luthor's enterprise. 

As Luthor schemes the two heroes end up battling one another in one huge sequence with one of our heroes almost dying.  Wonder Woman enters the fracas once Doomsday launches himself into the mix and the three heroes work together to destroy the beast.  As similar to Man of Steel, the film continues with the dark edge and look that director Zack Snyder created and the battle scenes are on par with that film, but not quite the scale.  Some fans have expressed their disappointment in the film, but when you have this amount of high-powered characters in one film it is difficult to satisfy all with a story that meets everyone's expectations.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and there is an ultimate edition which contains additional director added footage. 

Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice - Blu-Ray DVD

Suicide Squad (2016)

One of the current hot comic book properties was produced into a film for 2016.  Suicide Squad features some of DC's roughest criminal elements to come together as one unit in order to perform a specialized mission for the United States Government.

Deadshot-Will Smith, Harley Quinn-Margot Robbie, Killer Croc, Katana are amongst the members recruited from prison at the request of official Amanda Waller-Viola Davis.  The Joker-Jared Leto is mixed in the plot, but has his own objectives.

A powerful witch called the Enchantress has taken umbrage with Waller who imprisoned her and works to eradicate humans with a weapon.  The thugs have to work together in order to defeat the Enchantress.  Batman and the Flash make cameos in the film and as Marvel Studios films, this DC film uses the end credits to help tie other DC films together in the DC cinematic universe.

The film has received a mixture of reviews, but in this age of high tech visuals and hyped up humor, it is in keeping with the current crop of superhero films.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and there is an extended cut. 

Suicide Squad - Blu-Ray DVD

Wonder Woman (2017)

The historic Wonder Woman movie debuted in 2017.  Although the character has had a TV pilot movie, a successful TV series starring Lynda Carter and an appearance in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, there was never a dedicated motion picture to this long-time favorite character. 

Unquestionably the most recognized female superhero of all-time.  Gal Gadot reprised her role in this film and we get to see her origin told.  Wonder Woman has a deep secret that she does not fully understand and will not be fully realize until she squares off against the awesome Ares.

Wonder Woman is drawn into the first World War after Steve Trevor accidentally stumbles upon Themyscira-her homeland and discovers the Amazons and needs to return to his post with vital secret information for his superiors.  Wonder Woman accompanies him and in typical fashion single handedly plows through the opposing forces thus unleashing her powers to the general public for the first time during a stalemate along the Western Front.

Aided by Steve Trevor and his band the Amazonian continues to push through Axis and comes head to head with Ares.  The film has been a huge success both domestically and internationally.  The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray. 

Wonder Woman - 2017 Movie - Blu-Ray DVD

Justice League (2017)

DC Comics and Warner following the path set forth by their comic book arch-rivals at Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios would update their universe of key characters for a new audience in motion pictures. 

After having re-imagined Superman and Batman and introducing Wonder Woman and Aquaman in a couple of motion pictures, they then brought all of those characters together in addition with the Flash to battle a major threat from another planet.  The heroes somewhat reluctantly band together to form the Justice League and in part to help resurrect Superman whom had fallen during the Batman v Superman film.  Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller, fans for the first time get to see a live-action motion picture of the greatest superhero team in comics.  The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray.  

Justice League - Blu-Ray DVD

Aquaman (2018)

Continuing DC Comics and Warner's plan to bring their superhero characters to the big screen.  Jason Momoa reprises his role as Aquaman.  Arthur Curry as he is initially known is the human-born heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis and goes on a quest to prevent a war between the worlds of ocean and land.  The film is available for purchase on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray. 

Aquaman - Blu-Ray DVD

Shazam (2019)

We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out.  In Billy Batson's case, by shouting out one word - SHAZAM - this streetwise fourteen-year-old foster kid can turn into the grown-up superhero Shazam - IMDB.  The film is available on DVD, Blu-Ray. 

Shazam - Blu-Ray DVD

Wonder Woman 1984 Movie (2020)

Wonder Woman 1984 starring Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright.  This is the sequel to the blockbuster Wonder Woman movie from 2017.  The movie comes in different media forms so you have plenty of choices. 

Wonder Woman 1984 Movie - Amazon

The Batman Movie (2022)

The Batman motion picture is the 2022 version of Batman starring Robert Pattinson in the title role.  It also stars Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright and John Turturro. 

The Batman Motion Picture - Amazon

Black Adam Movie (2022)

Black Adam movie stars Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam and Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Fate.  Black Adam has been freed from his ancient tomb and is unleashed on the modern world with the Justice Society of America standing in his way. 

Black Adam Movie - Amazon

Shazam Fury of the Gods (2023)

Shazam Fury of the Gods movie is the sequel to the 2019 movie Shazam.  It stars Zachary Levi, Helen Mirren, Grace Caroline Currey. 

Happy Collecting!!!

Johnson's Collectibles

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